Newsletter Archive

Elisabeth Jensen is a gifted healer and Principal of Auset Temple Healing who trains many Professional Auset Egyptian Temple Healers and Angel Miracles Psychics plus Holistic Hypnotherapists in Australia, Asia and Egypt.

Easter Miracles in Brazil, USA Predictions, Holistic Hypnosis in Singapore & Melbourne

I am now in Singapore & very busy teaching many exciting trainings. 

As the world wonders about the future of USA I say nothing really has changed in some ways, as it was predicted long ago that Obama would be the last President of USA by a famous European blind psychic Baba Vanga. I see this is quite possible too as I believe to allow Trump to be President is not really what most people in USA really want - an assassination attempt on Trump is planned in the minds of some people at this stage I am quite sure! Regardless an acute crisis is often needed for great changes to occur and for the birth of a NEW TRUE AND CARING CIVILIZATION to be created...

Read the rest of the newsletter by following this link.

Conrad Hughes